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Papers & Books

Welcome to our “Books and Papers” section. Here, you’ll find a curated collection of academic contributions that reflect the diverse, global, and interdisciplinary nature of the RightsforTime network. These works delve into vital topics such as gender-based violence, refugee crises, and international human rights, among others. From in-depth regional studies to broader network-wide outputs, these publications collectively form a rich knowledge hub aimed at fostering understanding and inspiring action. Explore and engage with our wealth of research in your own time.

Papers & <span>Books</span>

Time, Displacement and Migration

Eggerman, J. J., Dajani, R., Kumar, P., Chui, S., Qtaishat, L., El Kharouf, A., & Panter-Brick, C. (2023). Social networks, empowerment, and wellbeing among Syrian refugee and Jordanian women: Implications for development and social inclusion. World Development, 170, 106324.

This paper highlights the significance of examining long-term humanitarian crises, particularly in Amman, Jordan. It emphasizes understanding the hidden impacts on refugee communities, especially the linguistic factors influencing identity formation and their impact on social interactions and policy.
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Awad, A., & Alfar, S. (2022) How Does the Refugee Crisis Enter Language? Manuscript in Preparation. The Institute for Critical Thought.

This paper underscores that refugee children in Jordan exhibit low literacy levels but a keen interest in reading. Factors like maternal education, child age, school attendance, and hybrid classes play a role in improving literacy, with a call for further research on reading attitudes among Arabic-speaking youth.
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Hadfield, K., Al-Hamad, M., Bakhti, R. et al. (2022) Predictors of Literacy and Attitudes Toward Reading Among Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan. International Journal of Early Childhood.

This paper emphasizes the role of social networks in empowering Syrian refugee and Jordanian women in Amman, demonstrating how network characteristics affect psychological empowerment. It advocates for promoting volunteer work to diversify social networks and empower urban poor women.
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Phillimore, J., Block, K., Bradby, H., Ozcurumez, S., & Papoutsi, A. (2023). Forced migration, sexual and gender-based violence and integration: Effects, risks and protective factors. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(2), 715-745.

This paper explores the connection between sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and the integration of forced migrant survivors, using empirical evidence from interviews in four countries. It sheds light on the long-term impact of SGBV and its relationship with the Indicators of Integration framework, identifying protective and risk factors for survivors.
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Phillimore, J., D'Avino, G., Strain-Fajth, V., Papoutsi, A., & Ziss, P. (2023). Family reunion policy for resettled refugees: Governance, challenges and impacts. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5, 1075306.

This paper explores the connection between sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and the integration of forced migrant survivors, using empirical evidence from interviews in four countries. It sheds light on the long-term impact of SGBV and its relationship with the Indicators of Integration framework, identifying protective and risk factors for survivors.
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Papoutsi, A., Phillimore, J., Akyüz, S., Bradby, H., Goodson, L., & Vaughan, C. (2022). Geographies of Shame: Diachronic and Transnational Shame in Forced Migrants with Experiences of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. Journal of Refugee Studies, 35(3), 1221-1249.

This paper examines family reunion policies for resettled refugees, highlighting variations in such policies among receiving countries and their impact on refugees’ lives. It reveals challenges in defining family, administrative barriers, and the negative effects of delayed or denied reunification on refugees’ well-being and prospects.
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Pertek, S., Block, K., Goodson, L., Hassan, P., Hourani, J., & Phillimore, J. (2023). Gender-based violence, religion and forced displacement: Protective and risk factors. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5, 11.

This paper highlights the dual role of religion in gender-based violence (GBV) within forced displacement situations. It serves as both a protective and risk factor, emphasizing the importance of integrating religion into GBV prevention and response strategies and involving religious leaders and communities in supporting survivors.
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Hübner, W., Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., & Brand, T. (2023). Assessing the contribution of migration related policies to equity in access to healthcare in European countries. A multilevel analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 321, 115766.

This study explores the link between migration-related health policies and equitable healthcare access for immigrants in Europe. While immigrants generally experience more unmet medical needs, in countries with migration-friendly policies, the inequality gap is narrower due to lower overall unmet healthcare needs.
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Bradby, H., Papoutsi, A., Hourani, J., Akyuz, S., & Phillimore, J. (2023). Something is (still) missing? Feminist services for forced migrants surviving sexual and gender-based violence in Sweden, Australia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. In Women's Studies International Forum, 98, 102697.

This study underscores the importance of a feminist approach to addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in forced migrant women. Services often did not align with women’s self-identified needs, highlighting a gap in applying feminist insights to support SGBV recovery. The tension between individual empowerment and collective women’s rights complicates this approach.
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Time, Policy and Law

McNeilly, K & Warwick, BTC (eds) 2022, The Times and Temporalities of International Human Rights. Human Rights Law in Perspective, 1st edn, Bloomsbury Publishing.

The book explores how time and its diverse forms can be understood to operate on, and in, this area of law; how time manifests in the theory and practice of human rights law internationally; and how specific areas of human rights can be understood via temporal analyses.
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Rockowitz, S., Wagner, K., Cooper, R., et al. (2023) A Systematic Review of Criminal Justice Initiatives to Strengthen the Criminal Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Violence in East Africa. Trauma, Violence and Abuse.

This paper highlights the challenges and limited research on initiatives to improve the criminal justice system’s response to sexual violence in East Africa. It identifies various initiatives but notes barriers, such as resource constraints and stigma, and calls for greater research and support in this under-resourced area.
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Dajani, R, Flowe, H & Warwick, BTC 2021, 'Social and political justice hit by UK aid cuts', Nature, vol. 592, no. 7854, pp. 353-353.

Funding cuts to the UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund endanger the Rights for Time Network, which supports research on humanitarian protection, conflict resolution, social justice, and forced displacement, impacting vulnerable populations and global partnerships.
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Dajani, R., Coetsee, M., Al-Tabba, A., & Al-Hussaini, M. (2023). Correction: Religion, Islam, and Compliance with COVID-19 Best Practices. Journal of Religion and Health, 1-2.

This paper emphasizes the need for public health authorities and researchers to understand how religious practices and beliefs, particularly in the context of Islamic commitments, align with COVID-19 guidelines. It calls for more inclusive research to address resistance to preventive measures.
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Stevens, L. M., Rockey, J. C., Rockowitz, S. R., Kanja, W., Colloff, M. F., & Flowe, H. D. (2021). Children's vulnerability to sexual violence during COVID-19 in Kenya: Recommendations for the future. Frontiers in global women's health, 2, 630901.

This article highlights the concerning increase in sexual violence against children in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic. It notes changes in victim profiles, locations, and timing, emphasizing the need for situational crime prevention strategies to protect children during crises.
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Gordon, R., Cheeseman, N., Rockowitz, S., Stevens, L. M., & Flowe, H. D. (2022). Government responses to gender-based violence during COVID-19. Frontiers in global women's health, 3, 857345.

This study examines how governments responded to gender-based violence (GBV) during the COVID-19 pandemic. They developed a Government GBV Response Index, showing that many countries had limited policies in place, while civil society organizations played a crucial role in facilitating GBV policies. Funding and government connections also influenced policy development.
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Time and Gender-Based Violence

Rockowitz, S., Stevens, L. M., Rockey, J. C., Smith, L. L., Ritchie, J., Colloff, M. F., ... & Flowe, H. D. (2021). Patterns of sexual violence against adults and children during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya: a prospective cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 11(9), e048636.

This study examines patterns of sexual violence in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting differences between adult and child survivors. Findings suggest age-specific measures are crucial for addressing sexual violence in emergencies like pandemics.
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Rockowitz, S., Wagner, K., Cooper, R., Stevens, L., Davies, K., Woodhams, J., ... & Flowe, H. D. (2023). A systematic review of criminal justice initiatives to strengthen the criminal investigation and prosecution of sexual violence in East Africa. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15248380231165694.

This paper underscores the urgent need to enhance responses to sexual violence (SV) in East Africa, where SV rates exceed the global average. It highlights seven studied initiatives but notes barriers, limited research, and the lack of systematic evidence, emphasizing the necessity for more rigorous research and coordinated advocacy to improve SV interventions.
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Rockowitz, S., Flowe, H., & Bradbury-Jones, C. (2022). A scoping review on sexual and gender-based violence medicolegal service provision in East Africa. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15248380221134292.

This review highlights the challenges in addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in East Africa, where high rates of SGBV persist. It reveals inadequacies in service provision, insufficient funding, the need for research to integrate SGBV care into healthcare systems, and limited research in the region. The findings can inform policymakers, NGOs, and service providers.
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Rockowitz, S., Flowe, H., & Bradbury-Jones, C. (2021). Post-rape medicolegal service provision and policy in East Africa: a scoping review protocol. Systematic reviews, 10, 1-5.

This scoping review focuses on sexual offense policies in East Africa and their impact on survivors’ justice, medical, and psychological well-being. It seeks to understand the consequences of policy implementation or lack thereof, emphasizing the need to address gaps in the legal and regulatory context of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the region and inform future policy to prevent human rights violations.
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Stevens, L. M., Rockey, J. C., Rockowitz, S. R., Kanja, W., Colloff, M. F., & Flowe, H. D. (2021). Children's vulnerability to sexual violence during COVID-19 in Kenya: Recommendations for the future. Frontiers in global women's health, 2, 630901.

This article highlights the concerning increase in sexual violence against children in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic. It notes changes in victim profiles, locations, and timing, emphasizing the need for situational crime prevention strategies to protect children during crises like the pandemic.
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Rockowitz, S. R., Kanja, W., & Flowe, H. D. (2021). Challenging social norms and legal responses to rape and sexual violence: Insights from a practice–research partnership in Kenya. Understanding gender-based violence: An essential textbook for nurses, healthcare professionals and social workers, 99-112.

This chapter focuses on gender inequality and sexual violence in Kenya, addressing reporting and prosecution challenges. It delves into historical context, research findings, and future research directions, offering insights for professionals in health, social care, and applied research, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

Flowe, H. D., Rockowitz, S., Rockey, J., Kanja, W., Kamau, C., Colloff, M., ... & Davies, K. (2020). Sexual and other forms of violence during the Covid-19 pandemic emergency in Kenya: patterns of violence and impacts on women and girls. Zenodo.

This research report explores the impact of COVID-19 on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Kenya. Findings reveal increased vulnerability among children and women, rising tensions within households, and police violence during COVID-19 measures enforcement. Policy recommendations are provided.
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Ji, Z., Rockowitz, S., Flowe, H. D., Stevens, L. M., Kanja, W., & Davies, K. (2022). Reflections on increasing the value of data on sexual violence incidents against children to better prevent and respond to sexual offending in Kenya. Societies, 12(3), 89.

This article discusses challenges in collecting sexual violence data in Kenya, comparing the Violence Against Children Survey (VACS) and the Wangu Kanja Foundation (WKF) dataset. It advocates for future surveys to enhance validity and informativeness for better understanding and response.
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Hope, L., Anakwah, N., Antfolk, J., Brubacher, S. P., Flowe, H., Gabbert, F., ... & Sumampouw, N. E. (2021). Urgent issues and prospects at the intersection of culture, memory, and witness interviews

This paper underscores the importance of considering cultural context in investigative interviewing, emphasizing its relevance for various practices and contexts. It calls for increased research focus on global community needs and collaborative discussions between researchers and practitioners for evidence-based solutions.
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Stevens, L. M., Reid, E., Kanja, W., Rockowitz, S., Davies, K., Dosanjh, S., ... & Flowe, H. D. (2022). The Kenyan survivors of sexual violence network: Preserving memory evidence with a bespoke mobile application to increase access to vital services and justice. Societies, 12(1), 12.

This study assesses the effectiveness of a mobile phone application for immediate witness interviews in preserving memory accuracy. Results show that interviews using the mobile app maintain memory accuracy over time, making it promising for contexts where police interviews occur after a delay.
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Rockowitz, S., Rockey, J., Stevens, L. M., Colloff, M. F., Kanja, W., & Flowe, H. D. (2023). Evaluating Case Attrition along the Medico-Legal Case Referral Pathway for Sexual and Domestic Violence Survivors in Kenya: A Secondary Data Analysis. Victims & Offenders, 1-24.

This study explores factors affecting the progress of sexual and domestic violence cases through the medico-legal referral pathway in Kenya. Age of the survivor and the presence of forensic evidence were significant predictors, shedding light on cultural perceptions of case legitimacy and informing policy improvements.
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Phillimore, J., Block, K., Bradby, H., Ozcurumez, S., & Papoutsi, A. (2023). Forced migration, sexual and gender-based violence and integration: Effects, risks and protective factors. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(2), 715-745.

This paper examines the link between sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and the integration of forced migrant survivors. Based on empirical evidence from 255 interviews in multiple countries, it explores how SGBV impacts integration using the Indicators of Integration framework.
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Wagner, K., Tasker, H., Vahedi, L., Bartels, S. A., & Lee, S. (2022). Born between war and peace: Situating peacekeeper-fathered children in research on children born of war. Frontiers in Political Science, 4, 945617.

This paper examines the experiences of peacekeeper-fathered children (PKFC) and their similarities to other children born of war (CBOW). It presents empirical evidence from Haiti and the Democratic Republic of Congo, showing that PKFC face similar adversities and should be considered as part of the CBOW category, emphasizing the need for policies to protect and support all CBOW.
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Gordon, R., Cheeseman, N., Rockowitz, S., Stevens, L. M., & Flowe, H. D. (2022). Government responses to gender-based violence during COVID-19. Frontiers in global women's health, 3, 857345

This study examines the impact of COVID-19 on gender-based violence (GBV) and evaluates government responses in 60 countries. It finds that most countries implemented fewer than two policy responses, highlighting the role of civil society organizations in facilitating GBV policy during the pandemic.
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Pertek, S., Block, K., Goodson, L., Hassan, P., Hourani, J., & Phillimore, J. (2023). Gender-based violence, religion and forced displacement: Protective and risk factors. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5, 11.

This paper examines religion’s dual role as a protective and risk factor in gender-based violence (GBV) among forced migrants. It underscores the importance of integrating religious considerations into GBV prevention and response efforts and collaborating with religious leaders and communities to support survivors.
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Phillimore, J., Block, K., Bradby, H., Ozcurumez, S., & Papoutsi, A. (2023). Forced migration, sexual and gender-based violence and integration: Effects, risks and protective factors. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(2), 715-745.

This paper examines the relationship between sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and the integration of forced migrant survivors in Australia, the UK, Sweden, and Turkey. It highlights the complex interactions between SGBV and integration using the Indicators of Integration framework, shedding light on protective and risk factors for survivors.
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Bradby, H., Papoutsi, A., Hourani, J., Akyuz, S., & Phillimore, J. (2023, May). Something is (still) missing? Feminist services for forced migrants surviving sexual and gender-based violence in Sweden, Australia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. In Women's Studies International Forum (Vol. 98, p. 102697). Pergamon.

This paper advocates a feminist approach to address sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) among forced migrant women, emphasizing women’s self-identified needs alignment in services. It explores challenges integrating feminism into service design and the tension between individual empowerment and collective women’s rights.
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Time, Research Methods and Funding

Kauldhar, Jasmin, Rockowitz, Sarah, & Ingham, Madeleine. (2021). A compendium on remote research methods

This paper examines the relationship between sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and the integration of forced migrant survivors in Australia, the UK, Sweden, and Turkey. It highlights the complex interactions between SGBV and integration using the Indicators of Integration framework, shedding light on protective and risk factors for survivors.
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Dajani, R, Flowe, H & Warwick, BTC 2021, 'Social and political justice hit by UK aid cuts', Nature, vol. 592, no. 7854,pp.353-353

This paper advocates a feminist approach to address sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) among forced migrant women, emphasizing women’s self-identified needs alignment in services. It explores challenges integrating feminism into service design and the tension between individual empowerment and collective women’s rights.
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Dajani, R., Tabbaa, Z., Hakooz, N., Al-Nadaf, A., Al-Halaiqa, F., & Alqatawneh, S. (2023). Three Circles of Alemat: Growth and Sustainability through Mentoring. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 50(2), 92-102.

This paper examines religion’s dual role as a protective and risk factor in gender-based violence (GBV) among forced migrants. It underscores the importance of integrating religious considerations into GBV prevention and response efforts and collaborating with religious leaders and communities to support survivors.
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Rockowitz, S. R., Kanja, W., & Flowe, H. D. (2021). Challenging social norms and legal responses to rape and sexual violence: Insights from a practice–research partnership in Kenya. Understanding gender-based violence: An essential textbook for nurses, healthcare professionals and social workers, 99-112.

This chapter addresses gender inequality and sexual violence in Kenya, emphasizing low reporting rates, insufficient investigations, and the need for a better understanding of SV. It discusses historical context, life course experiences, legal responses, and future research directions for improved prevention and protection.
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Stonebridge, L. (2020). Writing and righting: Literature in the age of human rights. Oxford University Press.

This book explores the relationship between literature and human rights. It highlights that while literature has played a role in shaping human rights concepts, writers should also serve as political truth-tellers and challenge easy sympathy in defending human rights.
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Elgenius, G., Phillimore, J., Borkowska, M., & Kawalerowicz, J. (2022). Problematising concepts and methods for civil society research in superdiverse neighbourhoods. Voluntary Sector Review,1-18.

This article discusses challenges in civil society research in superdiverse areas and suggests overcoming them. It highlights the need for a more holistic approach, including demographic complexity and informal initiatives, and advocates for comparative and mixed-methods research designs.
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Dajani, R., Mbarek, H., Ismail, S. I., Mohammad, A., & Somai, M. (2022). Overcoming Eurocentric bias makes for better science. Med, 3(12), 813-814.

This article emphasizes the importance of diversity in scientific research, particularly in omics datasets. It highlights that including patients from Asia and the Middle East revealed unique insights into COVID-19 severity, underlining the value of studying underrepresented populations.
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Dajani et al. Executive Functions in Jordanian Children: What Can the Hearts and Flowers Task Tell Us About Development in A Non-Western Context accepted in Journal of Cognition and Development.

Dajani et al. Females in Academia: Barriers and Motivators within Jordanian. Universities in Scientific Research and Promotion. Journal of International Women’s Studies. Accepted for publication.

Time, Trauma and Mental Health

Michalek, J., Lisi, M., Dajani, R., Hadfield, K., & Mareschal, I. (2023). Facial emotion recognition in refugee children with a history of war trauma. Emotion.

The study examines how war trauma affects facial emotion recognition in Syrian refugee and Jordanian non-refugee children. Despite trauma differences, both groups showed similar abilities in recognizing facial expressions, suggesting limited trauma impact on this aspect of development.
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Flowe, H. D., Rockowitz, S., Rockey, J., Kanja, W., Kamau, C., Colloff, M., ... & Davies, K. (2020). Sexual and other forms of violence during the Covid-19 pandemic emergency in Kenya: patterns of violence and impacts on women and girls. Zenodo.

This research report explores the impact of COVID-19 on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Kenya. Findings reveal increased vulnerability among children and women, rising tensions within households, and police violence during COVID-19 measures enforcement. Policy recommendations are provided.
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Time, and Creative Practice

Norridge, Z & Mboya, R.A. (2024). ’Sweet Like Honey’: Twa Photographers Reframing the Past, Present and Future in a Remote Rwandan Marginalised Community. Journal of African Cultural Studies. Published online: 30 Aug 2024.

This article examines photographs by twelve Rwandan marginalised artists who participated in the Rights for Time Surfacing Time project in May 2022. It explores how these artists chose to represent their conceptions of the past, present and future, contesting and reframing ongoing prejudice, and extending the boundaries of participatory photography.
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