Living Archive

Art & Creative

Welcome to our “Arts and Creative” section. In this rich, dynamic space, you’ll discover the power of creativity and artistic expression as a means of conveying the complex narratives and experiences we encounter in our work. Through evocative photography and diverse multimedia art, we offer unique, transformative perspectives on issues like human rights, gender-based violence, and refugee experiences. Engage with this inspiring blend of art and academia and let it stir your understanding and imagination

Art & <span>Creative</span>

Surfacing Time (Rwanda)


When They Sung at Me, I Sang Back (Rwanda)



Burning Time - (Palestine)

Our partner, the Palestine Writing Workshop developed a work of Young Adult nonfiction via workshops for children and adults in protracted trauma. Poems and short stories depict how loss creates perception. The work is called *The moment that changed my life*

Our Partners

Meet our amazing partners behind the Rights For Time.