Our Work

Lexicon – building a new language of protection

Rights for Time understands that change is at once urgent, and takes considerable energy to carry out. One of the limitations to change is that protection efforts get trapped in their own language. The idea of a crisis as time-limited is a concept that forecloses the possibility of recognizing, reacting to, preventing, and certainly protecting people and communities from harms that are open-ended, ongoing, repetitive, and persistent.

Drawing from our Case Studies, and our commissioned projects, Rights for Time compiles here words and concepts that could form a new lexicon for protection. These words, and how they are used, define harm, where, when, and how it happens in ways that accommodate and acknowledge their prolonged temporal experience. We will add to this lexicon as word/concepts emerge, and invite our community to share and comment in the pages and links below.

Lexicon – <span>building</span> a new language of protection

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Gender and Justice is a new feminist journal calling for articles that treat gender, sexuality and justice as entwined.
Submissions from criminology are very welcome!


Exciting to see @Stevens_Laura7 presentation at #EAPL2024! Great example of our innovative work on eliciting memory accounts in humanitarian and cross-cultural contexts . Students, interested in this field? Contact @hflowe about PhD and fellowship opportunities!

Congratulations @rights_4_time partner Lady Wangu Kanja on your honorary doctorate award from the @unibirmingham! @WanguKanjaF @hflowe @btcwarwick To learn more, visit

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