Dr. Irene Guijt

Dr. Irene Guijt

Dr. Irene Guijt has worked in rural development for 25 years, focusing on participatory processes in planning and M&E. She undertakes research, system design, facilitation and advisory work on learning-oriented knowledge processes. Recent work includes advisor for The MasterCard Foundation on how to ensure client voice is embedded in its work, testing the utility for (impact) evaluation of SenseMaker® in East Africa and Asia including on girl’s empowerment for GirlHub; strategic evaluation advisor for a ‘libraries for democracy’ initiative in Chile, and piloting Participatory Impact Assessment and Learning with IFAD in Vietnam. In 2000, she was team leader for researching and writing the much-used IFAD guidance on programme evaluation ‘Managing for Impact’. She is a Research Associate for the Overseas Development Institute, guiding work with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia) to build impact evaluation examples and capacities. She is active in global evaluation capacity building through BetterEvaluation and working on theory of change for transformational development with Hivos, and in the politics of evaluation as co-convenor of the Big Push Forward, about which she is co-editing a book.