Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson is Professor of African Politics and Head of the International Development Department at the University of Birmingham. He has 25 years international experience in research, teaching and policy advice. He is currently a Senior Security and Justice Adviser for the UK Government, a member of the Folke Bernadotte Academy working group on Security Sector Reform and a member of the United Nations Copmmittee of Experts on Public Adminsitration as well as being a Commissioner to the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission. Trained as a political economist, his specialism has been governance, specifically security governance, justice and decentralisation, particularly in post-conflict or fragile environments.

He has extensive overseas experience across Africa, particularly in Sierra Leone, Ghana, Uganda and Zimbabwe, in Eastern Europe, including Romania the Czech Republic and Georgia, and South Asia, particularly Bhutan and also Nepal, where he was the international adviser to the Nepali Parliament on the integration and rehabilitation of the Maoist combatants following the war. He has worked for the UK, Danish and Swedish Governments as well as for the World Bank, the UN and EU. At the same time, he has taught for several years on governance, security and post conflict reconstruction.